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Rethinking Developer Roles with Shift-Left Testing

Shift-Left Testing changes the game in software development by integrating testing early and throughout the development process. This strategy extends the developer's responsibilities beyond coding, making them key players in quality assurance. Here's a closer look at...

Unlock Your Potential By Embracing Discomfort

In the professional world, a common hurdle often goes unnoticed yet significantly hampers our growth: the innate human tendency to avoid discomfort. We frequently bypass tasks and decisions that, although potentially transformative for our careers, push us out of our...

Neovim: A Modern Take on Vim with Advantages Over VS Code

Neovim is a modernized fork of the Vim editor that stands out in the ever-evolving landscape of text editors and development environments. It has retained the key strengths of Vim, such as efficiency, flexibility, and a powerful command language, while introducing new...

Meet Our Developers

Review real engineer CVs of current and past Sonatafy Technology nearshore developers. We have a wide range of different positions and skills thanks to our talented engineers. Learn More.